
GPS-Koordinaten: 46.29818, 7.8732

You are coming from the direction of Goppenstein/Sion – Visp:

At the COOP petrol station, just before the Visp entrance, turn left at the roundabout.

Follow the street (approx. 1 km), then turn right into Sonnenstrasse.

After 400 meters you will arrive the campsite.

You are arriving from the direction of Brig / Simplon:

Drive through Visp to the second roundabout, turn right there (into Terbinerstrasse), continue straight ahead, through the tunnel at the train station and straight ahead past the Lonza skyscrapers.

After 2 km you will come to a roundabout next to the Rohne river, turn left there and then quickly left again into Sonnenstrasse.

After approx. 400 meters you will arrive at the campsite.

– With this entrance you avoid driving through Visp town, where traffic is often slow.

Walk from Visp train station to Camping Mühleye:

There is a nice footpath from Visp train station to Camping Mühleye.

You need about 10 minutes.

You go over the station square and then up the street to the right, past the post office and Migros.

After Migros, turn right onto the promenade along the Vispa river. You go through the tunnel and then up to the creek, go over the bridge, past the soccer field and then you arrive at the campsite and swimming pool.

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